We listened to records all night long
scratching the needle back so fast
they started to skip after two spins.
We smoked pot and drank beer;
lounged on our couches
all weekend long.
We chuckled at each others jokes,
predicated politics. We'd hate the war
if it was still going on.
We knew it all, seen it all.
Never saw the falling sky
Until it crashed in our heads.
We awoke in the ninety's as if from
Comas. Wondered how we had gotten
here. Whose damn Mini-Van is this?
Late to pick up our sons from football practice
we race across town. Later that night we catch our kids
hiding in the basement with friends,
getting high. We hear “American Idiot” scream through
the stereo and we pray for real music.
We tell them “Drugs are junk,” “Just say 'No' “
We ground them for weeks at time.
If we can't float through a night of Zeppelin or open
the doors of our minds with Jim,
then to hell with them. We ain't going to let
these slackers slide.
We make them do math homework while we
fill in our Dockers with a third slice of cake and listen to
“machine head” to ease the pain.
We pop some Valiums to help us sleep,
couple of beers to calm us down.
Damn kids.
Aw, hypocrisy! Great poem. I can relate to the "Whose mini-van?" question, but I must say I love "American Idiot" too much. Seriously, I was thinking about something like this a lot lately. It is the concept of us Christian leaders telling kids, "God intended us to save sex until marriage" (which I totally believe he did and that it's the best plan), but then I don't know that many Christians that did it or are doing it. Don't know why, but your poem makes me think of that which is something that I have been focused on a lot lately. Truth is, I don't know if "I did it, but you shouldn't" is such a bad thing.
I don't think "I did it, but you shouldn't" is a bad thing at all. But "I wish I could still do what I am not letting you do now" is a sickness. I just wanted to write an anti-boomer poem. (to all you boomers out there, this poem is about those 'other' boomers). Glad it caused you to think which, is, of course, why I wrote it. BTW I like "American Idiot" too. I listen to it at work to drone out the typing
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